Always looking for a new adventure, I decided to try producing video today. Okay, it’s not exactly an adventure, but it sure was a challenge.
To help, I sought out the expertise of Rachelle Lucas, editor of The Travel Bite, whose video credits include the Travel Channel and more.
Our first project was designed to teach me just the basics of shooting, editing and production. We met for a couple of hours over some excellent Sumatran coffee and grabbed one of my favorite packs to play the leading role.
I’ll warn you, this video is impromptu, unrehearsed, and absolutely didn’t include a makeup artist or hair stylist! Nevertheless, I want to share it because it’s a beginning and I’d like you to watch my progress as my skills improve. Expect a lot more video on the blog in the future.
Another note, I wanted to learn how to produce video on the fly, so this video was shot and edited on my iPhone. I made a couple of small editing tweaks later on my PC, but 90 percent was produced at the kitchen table. I know this first try looks a tad rough.
So, in what ways would you like to see video used on The Active Explorer? My initial thoughts are to use it for gear reviews, destinations and adventure activities. Leave your ideas in the comments below.
Why the Geigerrig pack? I needed a subject and I love Geigerrig’s innovative pressurized hydration system, not to mention their motto, “Never Suck Again,” so I decided to use my Rig 500 for this little clip. I also know the pack well enough that I could ad lib my way through the shoot with only a few awkward stumbles.
Comments 8
Thanks for the help Erika! Enjoy your posts!!
This was your first time doing the video editing?! I think you did amazing! I seriously need to learn to edit from my iPhone since that is where most of my film comes from. Editing my GoPro footage the other day was an insane chore for me
Yes, but I can’t claim all the credit. Rachelle has been producing video professionally (even “on the fly” for travel clients) for a while, and she was at my side teaching me the tricks. Animoto has an iPhone app which I used. It takes some getting used to, but she guided me through the process. Much better than figuring it out myself! Another point she taught me were which shots to take and from what angles to keep it interesting.
All I can say is I want one!!
The first time I tried it I irrigated my sinuses, but then I got the hang of the “squirt” and love it. Especially when I’m moving fast. I’ll still put the bite valve in my mouth, but it’s just so much nicer, and I have all the other options pressurization offers too. They also have an in-line filter so you can fill the bladder directly from a stream.
My name is Derrik Schweppe and I approve this message! Great work Erika!
Lol! Thanks Derrik! I just put up another post you might like.
Great job on the video!
I’ve never seen this packs before, pretty awesome. Thanks for sharing.