No bombs!

One of my favorite events each year is the TAG Fall Cave-In held each October. It’s a unique (not used lightly) event and therefore requires a few signs that would seem out of place anywhere else. To view a full set of photos from the event visit my Flickr album.  

Cold Spring Shelter on the Appalachian Trail

The Appalachian Trail (A.T.) is supported by a series of shelters which provide a convenient alternative to pitching a tent. Some are nicer than others. Cold Spring is best described as “historic” and it has a good dose of character. The walls are embellished with years of graffiti, the roof has a few drips, and the mice are friendly. All …

Trip Report: Backpacking California’s Evolution Valley

Laura Manina, my sister and fellow backpacker, shares her experiences and tips on backpacking a 57-mile loop to the Evolution Valley. Many thanks to her for this great post and pictures! You can learn more about her travels with her husband, Mitch, on ~   Evolution Valley. First, it was a suggestion, and then it was an item on …

Eating my way across Charlotte County

I travel to eat. At least it seems that way sometimes because I’m completely obsessed with trying local cuisine. My recent trip to Charlotte County, Florida, indulged my closet foodie. This is a region of Florida is known for its seafood. However, like most places, you need to know where to go. My trip was hosted by the local visitor’s …